Journal Article

Recovery of a native tree following removal of an invasive competitor with implications for endangered bird habitat

Date: 2022/05/11

Author(s): Goetz A., Moffit I. and Sher A.A.,

Publication: Biological Invasions, v. 24, p. 2769-2793


DOI: 10.1007/s10530-022-02805-7


Invasive species removal is a common focus in restoration ecology, but the ultimate goal of native plant species recovery and habitat recovery is often elusive. Control of invasive Tamarix spp. shrubs in the American Southwest has only sometimes led to increased native species cover; this is of particular concern for the protection of bird habitat, including the endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax extimus trailii, abbr. SWFL) that nests readily in Tamarix when native Salix canopy is absent. If we can identify the conditions that lead to more native trees as well as habitat protection for the SWFL, we can prioritize restoration efforts more effectively and reduce conflict between conservation goals. To determine whether reduction in the invasive Tamarix led to more Salix cover, we compiled data on vegetation, soils, and geographic conditions in 260 sites where Tamarix had been subject to control efforts and 132 positive and negative reference sites. We found that (1) reduction in Tamarix only increased Salix cover in wetter sites and was greater when a particular low-disturbance removal method was used; however, the increase did not typically compensate for the overall losses in canopy cover, and (2) Salix cover was generally highest in locations with low drought stress, as reflected by soil properties, distance to water, and climate. These results suggest that the presence and recovery of Salix is dependent on its relatively narrow environmental niche, in contrast with Tamarix’s broader one. Thus, although abundance of Salix and Tamarix was negatively correlated, this is likely because of Salix’s different niche, as much as or more than direct interspecific competition. Our findings demonstrate that removal of an invasive species does not necessarily lead to reestablishment of the native species they appeared to displace. We suggest that in the case of promoting habitat for SWFL and other birds, outcomes of restoration activity can be improved by focusing Tamarix removal efforts on sites more likely to promote Salix growth based on environmental characteristics.