Annual Report

FY15 Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program Annual Report


Date: 2016/01/01

Author(s): GenQuest, Inc.

Publication: Prepared for the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program. Prepared by GenQuest, Inc., 27 p.


The Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program (Collaborative Program, Program, or MRGESCP) brings diverse groups together to address serious environmental issues along the Middle Rio Grande (MRG). These groups include federal, state, and local governmental entities, Indian Tribes and Pueblos, and non-governmental organizations. Through this collaborative effort, these entities simultaneously protect and improve the status of listed endangered species along the MRG, protect existing and future regional water uses, and comply with state and federal laws, including Rio Grande Compact delivery obligations. In 2009, the Executive Committee (EC) of the Collaborative Program directed efforts to pursue advancement of the Collaborative Program through a recovery implementation program (RIP). This effort will enhance the Collaborative Program’s focus on science and recovery activities, and use a new Long Term Plan (LTP) as a mechanism for advancing the Collaborative Program, based on the framework of the Rio Grande silvery minnow and Southwestern willow flycatcher recovery plans.

Related Information
  • Species: Rio Grande Silvery Minnow , Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
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