Annual Report

FY18 Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program Annual Report


Date: 2019/01/01

Author(s): MRGESCP

Publication: Prepared for Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Act Collaborative Program, 17 p.


The Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program (MRGESCP or Program) is a partnership of several federal, state, tribal, and local signatory agencies and organizations working together to address concerns within the Middle Rio Grande (MRG) related to endangered species, while simultaneously protecting current and future water uses. The Program primarily focuses on three listed species in the MRG: the Rio Grande silvery minnow, the Southwestern willow flycatcher, and the yellowbilled cuckoo.

This report describes the MRGESCP’s background, organization, accomplishments, and ongoing and completed activities through fiscal year 2018 (FY18). One of the Program’s overarching accomplishments over the past 18 years includes bringing diverse participants together in working toward the recovery of the MRG’s endangered species while meeting the region’s other water needs in compliance with federal and state laws. MRGESCP signatories continue working together to use the best available science to create practicable approaches to achieve the Program mission.

Related Information
  • Species: New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse , Rio Grande Silvery Minnow , Southwestern Willow Flycatcher , Yellow-Billed Cuckoo
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