USGS scientists collecting soil sample in the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) yard. . Photo credit: Kit MacDonald , US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service .
Bat acoustic monitor (left on berm) and invertebrate light trap (center) at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) pond. June 2013. Photo credit: Ernie Valdez , USGS .
USGS scientist Ernie Valdez holding a bat captured at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
USGS scientist Ernie Valdez holding a bat captured at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
USGS scientist checking a coverboard for reptiles at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Placement of herpatofauna cover boards at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Erika Nowak , NAU .
Many-lined skink found at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine).
Researchers from Bethel College setting a gopher trap at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Researchers from Bethel College setting a gopher trap at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Weather station near Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) pond.
USGS scientist releasing a woodrat at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
USGS scientist Greg Linder checking a Sherman trap at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Western bluebird collected at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Abigail Darrah , University of Arizona .
White-breasted nuthatch collected at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Abigail Darrah , University of Arizona .
Bermed perimeter (left) of the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Containment pond with emergent vegetation at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Containment pond with emergent vegetation at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Bird feeding over the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Waste rock from the sinking of the mine shaft at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Waste rock from the sinking of the mine shaft at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Waste rock from the sinking of the mine shaft at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Burrow mound near the waste rock piles at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Waste rock from the sinking of the mine shaft at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Waste rock from the sinking of the mine shaft at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine).
Bermed perimeter of the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine), June 2013. Black liner of pond and headframe can be seen in the background.. June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Headframe of the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) containment pond.
Headframe of the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Headframe of the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Active dust sampler deployed at Owl Tank, near the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , U.S. Geological Survey .
Active Dust sampler deployed on eastern side of the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , U.S. Geological Survey .
Active dust sampler deployed outside of Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). . Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , U.S. Geological Survey .
Active dust particle sampler deployed at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Plate will collect individual dust particles for analysis of amount and composition of those particles. Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , USGS .
Passive dust sampler at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Passive dust sampler (foreground) and headframe (background) at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
Passive dust sampler at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
USGS installing the weather station at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). April 2013. Photo credit: Mike Duniway , USGS .
U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Geological Survey staff install aeolian sediment collectors at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) to monitor wind erosion. April 2013. Photo credit: Mike Duniway , USGS .
USGS Scientists collecting samples on the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) yard . Photo credit: Kit MacDonald , U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service .
USGS Scientists collecting samples on the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) yard . Photo credit: Kit MacDonald , U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service .
USGS scientists collecting soil samples along road near Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientists collecting soil samples outside the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) yard. Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , USGS .
USGS scientists collecting blank sample to test whether sampling equipment contaminates soil samples. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientists collecting soil sample under herpatofauna cover board. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientist recording field information for soil sample. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientist sieving soil sample. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientist measuring gamma radiation under herpatofauna cover board. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientists dissembling soil corer to retrieve core and liner from inside the core barrel. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
Soil core collected near Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) in core liner, Blue cap represents top of core, orange cap represents bottom of core. Core length about 55 centimeters.. Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , USGS .
USGS and Bethel College scientist collected soil sample from a pocket gopher burrow at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
USGS scientist collecting soil from gopher burrow. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .
USGS scientists preparing to collect soil core. Photo credit: Marlene Naftz , USGS .
USGS scientists sectioning soil core collected at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). Photo credit: Christine Dowling , USGS .
Vegetation combustion chamber used to collect smoke from combusted vegetation for analysis of amounts of different metals in smoke. Combustion chamber is used to simulate burning of vegetation used in some Native American ceremonies.. Photo credit: Danielle Cleveland , USGS .
Vegetation combustion chamber used to collect smoke from combusted vegetation for analysis of amounts of different metals in smoke. Combustion chamber is used to simulate burning of vegetation used in some Native American ceremonies.. Photo credit: Danielle Cleveland , USGS .
USGS scientist collecting vegetation samples for combustion to determine amounts of metal in smoke particles. Photo credit: Katie Walton-Day , USGS .
Field crews collecting vegetation and soil data at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013. Photo credit: Emily Palmquist .
Vegetation transect at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013.
Vegetation transect at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013.
Flowers. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
Flowers. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
Flowers. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
Flowers. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
Flowers. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
Flowers. Photo credit: Keith Grabner , USGS .
Vegetation transect at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine).
Vegetation transect at Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine). June 2013.
USGS collects water-quality samples and monitors groundwater levels at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) observation well.. July 2017. Photo credit: Fred Tillman , USGS .
USGS hydrologist collects water-quality samples from the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) regional groundwater well.. September 2017. Photo credit: Fred Tillman , USGS .
Proposed location for monitoring possible runoff from Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) area. June 2019. Photo credit: Don Bills , USGS .
USGS scientists collect groundwater samples from shallow groundwater next to the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) uranium mine. September 2017. Photo credit: Fred Tillman , USGS .
Water sampling at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) pond. August 2013. Photo credit: Don Bills , USGS .
Water sample collection equipment at the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly Canyon Mine), August2013. Pond (with black liner) can be seen in the background.. August 2013. Photo credit: Don Bills , USGS .