Science for Decision Making on Uranium Mining in Arizona

Little Robinson Tank Gallery

  •  LRT earthen stock tank 2

    Earthen stock tank at Little Robinson Tank. August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .

  •  LRT earthen stock tank

    Earthen stock tank at Little Robinson Tank. July 2015. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .

  •  LRT and surrounding area

    Little Robinson Tank (berm along left edge of image) and surrounding area. July 2015. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .


  •  Water sample 2

    USGS scientist Katy Klymus collecting a water sample from Little Robinson Tank for eDNA analysis. August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .

  •  Water sample collection

    USGS scientists Katy Klymus (left) and Nathan Thompson (right) collect a water sample from Little Robinson Tank for eDNA analysis. August 2016. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .

  •  Student help with mammals

    The USGS collaborated with Francisca Mendez-Harclerode (right) of Bethel College, who brought students to help with mammal collections. July 2015. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .

  •  LRT collecting ants

    Greg Linder (USGS) holding harvester ants collected from unbaited pitfall traps at Little Robinson Tank. July 2015. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .

  •  LRT Wood rat

    Francisca Mendez-Harclerode of Bethel College identify a species of wood rat collected in a sherman trap at Little Robinson Tank. July 2015. Photo credit: Jo Ellen Hinck , USGS .