Science for Decision Making on Uranium Mining in Arizona

Characterize Aeolian Transport across the Mine Life Cycle

At Arizona 1 Mine

Arizona 1 Mine Life Cycle

Arizona 1 represents conditions after mining, before reclamation.

The dispersion characteristics of uranium and trace elements associated with uranium mining and the subsequent risk to biota are being characterized by installing passive horizontal aeolian sediment collectors in the vicinity of ore bodies, mines, and at sites unaffected by uranium-ore contamination. Weather stations to record information on wind speed, wind velocity and precipitation and passive horizontal aeolian sediment (dust) collectors were installed prior to active mining phases and will be maintained during active mining and, potentially, after mining has ceased.

Data will be used to quantify risks, if any, caused by off-site transport of sediments linked to uranium mining. Results from this study will reduce uncertainty of the location and degree of sediment, dust, and contaminant dispersion by wind related to uranium mining activities.


  • Characterize the dispersion characteristics of uranium and trace elements associated with uranium mining and the subsequent risk to biota using data from passive horizontal aeolian sediment collectors in the vicinity of ore bodies, mines, and at sites unaffected by uranium ore contamination.
  • Determine site-specific wind direction and velocity at the mine.
  • Determine weight and, if possible, particle size of collected material.
  • Characterize metals and radionuclides in dust samples upwind and downwind of the mine.

Questions this study could help answer

  • How does wind direction and velocity vary at each study site?
  • How much sediment is moved by aeolian processes off uranium mine sites in different stages of production?
  • How does sediment flux from mine sites vary in space and time, and how do those levels compare to background conditions?
  • Which elements are present in transported sediment and what risks might those elements pose to the environment?



Specific Tasks

Task 11: Characterize the wind dispersion characteristics of uranium and trace elements associated with uranium mining and the subsequent risk to biota.

Principal Investigators

Mike Duniway
Research Ecologist
Southwest Biological Science Center

Katie Walton-Day
Colorado Water Science Center

Jo Ellen Hinck
Columbia Environmental Research Center


BLM logo Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
USFS logo U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
NPS logo National Park Service

Photo Gallery

Soil coring 1

Arizona 1 Mine Gallery

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