Development of Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Refugia at Drain Outfalls in the Isleta Reach of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico
Date: 2010/02/01
Author(s): Wesche T.A., Wesche L.B., Broderick S., Cowley D.E., Wyman B.
Publication: Report prepared for Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Act Collaborative Program, 55 p.
Our project goal has been to aid Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) conservation in the middle Rio Grande (MRG) through the implementation of habitat and flow enhancement measures at three drain outfalls in the Isleta Reach using large cottonwood snag structures. Project permitting and regulatory compliance was completed by August 2007, structure installation took place in November-December 2007, and post-installation monitoring began in February 2008 and was completed in September 2009. Sites selected for enhancement were the drain outfalls associated with the Lower Peralta #1 Drain (LP1DR), the Peralta Wasteway (PERWW), and the Los Chavez Wasteway (LCZWW), all operated by the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD). The twenty cottonwood snag structures were installed by MRGCD personnel under the supervision of the Principal Investigators. Monitoring was conducted five times during the winter and summer seasons and included a suite of physical, water quality and biological sampling including engineering surveys, habitat transects, routine chemical analyses, electrofishing and photographs.
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