Protecting and recovering listed species in the Middle Rio Grande has become increasingly difficult due to multiple environmental and administrative challenges, such as persistent drought and reduced or unpredictable funding. To meet these challenges and better utilize the available resources, signatories to the Collaborative Program have agreed to support and apply adaptive management within the Middle Rio Grande Basin. The Collaborative Program’s primary role in adaptive management is weighing and contextualizing scientific evidence to inform decisionmaking. The Collaborative Program then formulates scientifically defensible recommendations to natural resource and water managers regarding actions that benefit the listed species in the Middle Rio Grande.
MRGESCP supports the recovery of five federally listed species inhabiting the Middle Rio Grande:

- New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse
- Zapus hudsonius luteus
- Endangered

- Pecos Sunflower
- Helianthus paradoxus
- Threatened

- Rio Grande Silvery Minnow
- Hybognathus amarus
- Endangered

- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
- Empidonax traillii extimus
- Endangered

- Yellow-Billed Cuckoo
- Coccyzus americanus
- Threatened