Annual Monitoring Report for the City of Albuquerque's Rio Bravo North and South Habitat Restoration Projects: 2009
Date: 2010/05/03
Author(s): SWCA Environmental Consultants
Publication: Report prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, 63 p.
The City of Albuquerque (City) Bosque Habitat Restoration Project (Project) evaluated several habitat restoration techniques within the Rio Bravo Subreach of the Middle Rio Grande (MRG) to create and improve habitat for the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus; silvery minnow) and the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus; flycatcher). The long-term goal of the Project is to promote egg retention, larval rearing, young-of-year, and overwintering habitat for the silvery minnow and thin non-native vegetation and create habitat for the benefit of the flycatcher. The objective of the restoration process is to increase measurable habitat complexity that supports various life stages of silvery minnow by facilitating lateral migration of the river across islands, bars, and river banks during various mid-level and high flows. This waterbody is a river; the watershed name is Rio Grande – Albuquerque, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Cataloging Unit No. 1302023.
The Project involved the implementation of various habitat restoration/rehabilitation techniques to restore riverine and riparian habitat for the benefit of the silvery minnow and the flycatcher within the MRG. Specific rehabilitation and restoration activities occurred within the river floodway at three locations within the Rio Bravo Subreach: the Rio Bravo North (RBN) site, Rio Bravo South (RBS) point bar, and South Diversion Channel (SDC) Island (Figure 1). Sites-specific Project restoration techniques were implemented for the benefit of both species and the riverine ecosystem as a whole. The Rio Bravo Subreach was accessed via the levee road on the southwest portion of Rio Bravo Boulevard on the west side of the Rio Grande, on the northeast side of Rio Bravo Boulevard to access the RBN site on the east side of the Rio Grande, and off of Shirk Road on the east side to access SDC Island. The RBS point bar and SDC Island portion of the Project started on April 9, 2007, and was completed on April 26, 2007. Construction of the RBN features started the week of April 2, 2008, and was completed on May 1, 2008. Control photo points were taken at two of the three habitat restoration location for monitoring and comparison purposes. Approximately 33 acres (13 ha) at the RBN site, 20.3 acres (8.2 ha) at the RBS point bar, and 6.5 acres (2.6 ha) at SDC Island were modified. As the Project’s goal was mitigation, the spoil was placed within the affected areas where construction took place. At the sites, spoil was spread out adjacent to the modified areas or used as fill material. During the course of the Project, one proposed channel at the RBN site and two proposed channels at the RBS point bar were eliminated because they were already functioning as potential habitat for the silvery minnow.
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