
2006-2007 Report Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program


Date: 2009/02/01

Author(s): MRGESCP

Publication: Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program Report, 64 p.


The Middle Rio Grande (MRG) Endangered Species Collaborative Program (Program) is a collaborative effort consisting of federal, state, and local governmental entities, Indian Tribes and Pueblos, and non-governmental organizations. The intent of Program participants is twofold: first, to prevent extinction, preserve reproductive integrity, improve habitat, support scientific analysis, and promote recovery of the listed species within the Program area in a manner that benefits the ecological integrity, where feasible, of the Middle Rio Grande riverine and riparian ecosystem; and, second, to exercise creative and flexible options so that existing water uses continue and future water development proceeds in compliance with applicable federal and state laws. Listed endangered species in the region, upon which the Program is focusing its activities, include the Rio Grande silvery minnow and the southwestern willow flycatcher.