Technical Report

Rio Grande Geomorphology Summary of the Bernalillo Bridge Reach


Date: 2005/01/01

Author(s): Reclamation

Publication: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Final Report, 15 p.


The Bernalillo Bridge reach of the Rio Grande extends downstream from the New Mexico Highway 550 bridge crossing in the city of Bernalillo to Arroyo de las Montoyas/Harvey Jones Outfall confluence: a reach of approximately 5.3 miles in river length (Figure 1). Results from three individual studies are synthesized in this report. The Bernalillo Bridge Reach, Highway 44 Bridge to Corrales Flood Channel Outfall, Hydraulic Modeling Analysis, 1962-2001 report (Appendix A) was completed in June 2003 by Claudia Leon and others in the Civil Engineering Department at Colorado State University as part of a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). The Preliminary Geomorphic Assessment of the Bernalillo-Albuquerque Reach, Middle Rio Grande near Albuquerque, New Mexico report (Appendix B) was prepared by Richard Ortiz in July 2003. Ortiz’s study is part of a cooperative agreement between the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at the University of New Mexico and Reclamation. The third report (Appendix C), Current Fluvial Conditions, Rio Grande-Bernalillo Bridge Reach, was prepared in draft form by myself in July 2003. The entirety of this study is funded by the Middle Rio Grande Project, allocated through the Albuquerque Area Office-Technical Services Division of Reclamation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.