Technical Report

Fishes Inhabiting the Rio Grande, Texas and Mexico, Between El Paso and the Pecos Confluence


Date: 1977/01/01

Author(s): Hubbs C., Miller R.R., Edwards R.J., Thompson K.W., Marsh E., Garrett G.P., Powell G.L., Morris D.J., Zerr R.W.

Publication: Importance, Preservation and Management of Riparian Habitat: A Symposium, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-43, p. 91-97


The fishes of the middle part of the Rio Grande can be divided into three faunal assemblages: The saline Rio Grande fauna (made up of widely distributed and salt tolerant species) upstream from the Conchos confluence; the Rio Conchos-Rio Grande fauna (mostly south Texas and Mexican species) in the Rio Grande between the Conchos and Pecos; the tributary creek fauna (Chihuahuan species plus some derivatives) that depend on tributary creeks for all or part of their life history stages. Endangered species are found in the last assemblage but two presumed endangered species (Notropis simus and Scaphirhynchus platyrynchus) seem to have been eliminated already.

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