Publication Technical Report

Fish Studies on the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico 1995-1999


Date: 2001/06/01

Author(s): Plateau Ecosystems Consulting, Inc.

Publication: Report prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 32 p.


As part of an ongoing monitoring program, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) conducted investigations to compile baseline fish community data for the Middle Rio Grande at several study reaches in north-central New Mexico. The BOR is responsible for stabilizing eroding banks along the Middle Rio Grande and many bank habitat modification activities have been implemented since 1995. Specifically, several eroding river banks along this system have been modified by placement of rock riprap and jetty structures.

Fishery surveys were conducted by BOR prior to 1995 along the Middle Rio Grande; specifically, along the Santo Domingo, Cochiti and San Felipe Pueblos (Hiebert 1990a, 1990b). Data collected from these past investigations were used to develop and implement bank stabilization plans and subsequent mitigation surveys. A primary purpose of performing fishery surveys since 1995 was to collect data prior to, during and after bankline construction for assessing effects of bank modification activities implemented along the Middle Rio Grande.