Integrated Hydrology + Data Science

InFRM Watershed Hydrology Assessment Viewer (WHAV)

The Challenge

The Watershed Hydrology Assessment Viewer (WHAV) summarizes new analyses that estimate the 1-percent annual exceedance probability (AEP), which is also referred to as the 100-year return period, and other frequency flows for stream reaches within certain river basins in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Our Solution

IHDS hydrologists co-authored the Watershed Hydrology Assessments that are included in WHAV. IHDS Web Developers created an easy to use website that allows users to browse all the results of the watershed hydrology assessments online. WHAV includes tables of annual exceedances, estimated frequency curves for recommended hydrologic methods, and scatter plots of flood flow frequency estimates.

What We Did

Data Analysis

Data Visualization

Digital Architecture

UX/UI Design

Trend Analysis

Tools We Used


ArcGIS Server




