Technical Report

Water Quality Survey Summary for the Middle Rio Grande (From Angostura Diversion Near Algodones to Isleta Diversion Near Isleta Pueblo) 1999


Date: 2004/08/01

Author(s): Surface Water Quality Bureau, New Mexico Environment Department

Publication: Report prepared for Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Act Collaborative Program, 13 p.


Water quality surveys and assessments are completed in fulfillment of Section 106 of the Clean Water Act, Work Program for Water Quality Management. The purpose of the water quality survey is to collect water quality data to identify and prioritize water quality problems within a watershed and to evaluate the effectiveness of water quality based controls. The data collected as part of the survey are compared to current USEPA-approved water quality standards to determine if waterbodies throughout the watershed are supporting their designated uses, such as swimming and fishing.

This particular survey was conducted primarily to support the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for previously identified water quality impairments due to fecal coliform bacteria, total ammonia, and chlorine. All data collected as part of a survey are available upon request to the SWQB and can be downloaded from USEPA’s computerized environmental data system known as STORET (