Technical Report

Retained Sediment Characterization Report


Date: 2005/09/26

Author(s): AVM Environmental Services and Applied Hydrology International

Publication: Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 54 p.


The Galisteo Reservoir is located in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, approximately 20 miles southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico and approximately 40 miles north of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Galisteo Dam was constructed in 1970 on the Galisteo Creek, a tributary to the Rio Grande for flood and sediment control in accordance with the Flood Control Act of 1960. The USACE is evaluating alternatives for removal of saltcedar and non-native vegetation behind the Galisteo Dam. Removal of the vegetation is expected to result in release of reservoir sediments that may be transported during storm runoff events into the downstream reaches of the Galisteo Creek and the Rio Grande River. Characterization of the Galisteo Reservoir retained sediments that are likely to be released as a result of saltcedar eradication was performed to determine whether the sediments released to Galisteo Creek may pose an adverse risk to human health and the aquatic environment downstream of the Galisteo Dam. Chemical characterization focused on 22 metals due to the possible occurrence of elevated metal concentrations resulting from natural liberalization and historical mining and smelting activities within the Cerrillos Mining District in the drainage basin upstream of the reservoir.