Technical Report

2004 Supplemental Water Program Report


Date: 2005/02/01

Author(s): Bureau of Reclamation

Publication: Bureau of Reclamation Report, 7 p.


The Rio Grande silvery minnow was listed as a federally endangered species on July 20, 1994. Dewatering of the river channel within the silvery minnow’s habitat was identified as a key threat to the continued existence of the species. A sizeable portion of the silvery minnow’s habitat is located within the mainstem of the Rio Grande between Cochiti Dam and San Marcial, which is a section of the river prone to critically low flows during the irrigation season.

The Final Rio Grande Supplemental Water Programmatic Environmental Assessment1 (EA) was developed in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to analyze the establishment of a Supplemental Water Program that would provide supplemental water to primarily benefit the silvery minnow. The following items that were identified within the EA were evaluated as possible components of the Supplemental Water Program. During 2004, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s (USBR) Supplemental Water Program did not include items 4. and 5.