Publication Technical Report

Data Gaps Analysis Report Albuquerque Reach Habitat Analysis and Recommendations Study, Middle Rio Grand Endangered Species Collaborative Program


Date: 2009/09/01

Author(s): SWCA Environmental Consultants

Publication: Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 22 p.


The purpose of the Data Gaps Analysis Report is two-fold. The first is to review the existing data compiled in Task 3 Existing Information Summary to identify gaps in existing information pertaining to the current conditions with regards to physical habitat criteria for the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus; silvery minnow) and the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus; Flycatcher). This information and data are generally required to assess the existing habitat conditions and will be used in developing habitat restoration recommendations.

The second purpose is to review species biology information and data as they pertains to the Middle Rio Grande (MRG), specifically the Albuquerque Reach. The data gaps analysis for the silvery minnow and the Flycatcher builds upon the existing body of literature and identifies gaps in our knowledge regarding species biology and habitat ecology. The types of information and data discussed could inform and improve management strategies. This information and data could also be used to develop habitat restoration recommendations and will inform the development of evaluation criteria and monitoring methods.

This Data Gaps Analysis Report will: 1) summarize how SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) will obtain or proceed in the absence of the data/information, and 2) provide recommendations for future studies and actions.