Technical Report

Conceptual Restoration Plan Active Floodplain of the Rio Grande - San Acacia to San Marcial, NM: Volume 2 of 4, Phase IV and V


Date: 2004/02/01

Author(s): Tetra Tech, Inc. and ISG, Surface Water Group

Publication: Report prepared for Save Our Bosque Task Force, 78 p.


A conceptual restoration plan for the Rio Grande riparian corridor from San Acacia to San Marcial was prepared for the Save Our Bosque Task Force. The concept of “restoration” is to enhance channel dynamics and increase diversity of the riparian system. Restoration would be achieved by creating or expanding desirable habitat communities that will be sustained over the long term under current physical and institution constraints. Restoring the river to ‘prehistoric conditions’ is recognized to be infeasible and the restoration plan has been designed to limit or curtail future adverse habitat trends. This report discusses Phase IV of a five phase project that includes:

I. Data Collection and Analysis

II. Specific River Issues

III. Development of the Restoration Concepts and Strategies

IV. Development of the Restoration Plan for the Riparian Corridor

V. Preparation of the Monitoring Plan

Phase IV builds on the compiled data base and analysis of specific river issues in Phases I and II and on the Phase III selection and ranking of preferred restoration activities. The preferred restoration projects are assembled into a conceptual river and riparian floodplain restoration plan. A series of restoration scenarios were developed that emphasize the following themes:

A. Restoration light (lyte) plan with removal of channel vegetation

B. Water salvage

C. Reducing the impacts of drought

D. Habitat diversity and endangered species habitat

E. River dynamics, aquatic habitat and overbank flooding

F. Long term comprehensive plan that maximizes the opportunities for restoration