
Expert Peer Review of the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program's Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Genetics Project


Date: 2016/08/01

Author(s): Fraser D., Martin A., May B., Stockwell C., Welsh A.

Publication: Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Prepared by Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., 28 p.


The Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program (Program) is comprised of multiple stakeholders (federal, state and local entities) representing diverse interests on the Middle Rio Grande. The Program works to support the recovery of listed species in the Middle Rio Grande and to protect existing and future water uses while complying with applicable state and federal laws, existing water rights, and the Rio Grande Compact. The Program Area is defined as the headwaters of the Rio Chama watershed and the Rio Grande from the New Mexico-Colorado state line downstream to elevation 4,450 feet mean sea level, the elevation of the spillway crest of the Elephant Butte Dam. One of the species managed by the Program is the Rio Grande silvery minnow (RGSM; Hybognathus amarus). RGSM has been confined to a small fraction of its historic range and may have experienced severe genetic bottlenecks over time. An ongoing Genetics Project provides a genetic sampling and assessment program, which refers to the estimation of population genetic parameters, such as gene diversity, heterozygosity, allelic richness, and genetic effective size of RGSM.

The purpose of this peer review was to review the RGSM Genetics Project and related management activities, including the annual reports from the Genetics Project, the genetics management and propagation plan, and the work products and management approaches that are informed by or inform the Genetics Project, such as the augmentation reports and population monitoring reports. The peer reviewers also interviewed the Science Workgroup, Captive Propagation and Genetics Workgroup, and the Principal Investigators of the Genetic Project on 4 February 2016 and toured one of the hatchery facilities on 5 February 2016.