Groundwater Ambient Monitoring & Assessment Program Priority Basin Project
in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Board
What We're Learning
Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California
Effects of Imported Recharge on Fluoride Trends in Groundwater Used for Public Supply in California
Trends in Arsenic Concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley
Increased Pumping in California's Central Valley During Drought Worsens Groundwater Quality
Irrigation Causes Naturally Occurring Uranium to Dissolve Into Groundwater in the Eastern San Joaquin Valley
Perchlorate and Chromium--Constituents with Both Natural and Anthropogenic Sources
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals of Emerging Concern in California's Groundwater
Volatile Organic Compounds in California's Groundwater
Changing Analytical Suites, Benchmarks, and Assessments--GAMA Program Response to Emerging Contaminants and Non-Regulatory Benchmarks
Nothing Happens Right Away--Predicting Decreases in Nitrate Concentrations After Zero Loading is Achieved
Where are People Using Domestic Wells and What Portion of the Aquifer Supplies Those Wells?
Denitrification Only Removes Minor Amounts of Nitrate in Eastern San Joaquin Valley Groundwater