
Collaborative Seminar: Bosque Assessment and Update Prioritization (BAUP)


Date: 2022/12/14

Author(s): Hummel O.

Publication: Video Link


The Bosque Assessment and Update Prioritization (BAUP) is aimed at evaluating the planning efforts documented in the Bosque Action Plan (1993) to provide direction for the Open Space Division’s efforts over the next five years with priority projects as well as general operations and management that support ongoing restoration, recreation and education in the Rio Grande Valley State Park. This document also updates resource information from over the past 20 years in order to develop and evaluate current priority needs and to inform project development.

This BAUP serves as an update to the Bosque Action Plan by cataloguing the status of projects from 1993 through 2022, updating the baseline environmental conditions within the RGVSP, developing and evaluating priority projects for environmental and recreational resource improvements, and presenting short- and long-term goals for OSD. It is intended as an internal management resource for the City OSD and supplements the Bosque Action Plan’s purpose by guiding management of compatible environmental and recreational improvements that protect the bosque resource while promoting sustainable community use.

The presentation will give an overview of the project area and goals, resources evaluated, stakeholder coordination during the planning and project development process, and resulting top 10 priority project alternatives.

Related Information
  • Organization: City of Albuquerque
  • Groups: Collaborative Seminar
  • Tags: