Agenda By-Laws Memo Minutes Presentation Work Plan

2021 October 27 Executive Committee Meeting Materials


Date: 2021/10/27

Author(s): MRGESCP

Meeting Materials Included in This File

  • Agenda
  • Minutes
  • 2021 MRGESCP Work Plan [read-ahead, not included]
  • MRGESCP By-Laws Revised Section 6.7 Annual Evaluation [read-ahead, draft]
  • MRGESCP By-Laws with Proposed Amendment [read-ahead, draft]
  • Reclamation Memo on Non-Federal Cost Share [read-ahead, draft]
  • 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act – Relevant Sections [read-ahead]
  • SAMC Updates and SAMIS [presentation]
  • Proposed MRGESCP Biennial Schedule [presentation]
  • Non-Federal Questions on Cost Share Memo [follow-up]
Related Information
  • Groups: Executive Committee
  • Tags: