Integrated Hydrology + Data Science

Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program

The Challenge

The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program (ZMMP) has been assessing zebra mussel distribution and density in reservoirs across Texas for 10 years. Information about the ZMMP is available to stakeholders, cooperators, and the general public through a static website. Because of the significant temporal aspect of the ZMMP data, an interactive, data-driven web application that highlights and synthesizes the research of ZMMP needs to be developed.

Our Solution

  • Develop a content framework and database for the ZMMP.
  • Design a new website that highlights available data and summarizes the ZMMP program. The website organizes and summarizes the ZMMP data collection and analysis techniques for the general public. It also includes a summary of data collection at each reservoir included in the ZMMP, with tables and charts of zebra mussel detection and associated water quality data, updated daily, for stakeholders and cooperators.
  • Create an interactive map of zebra mussel detections.

What We Did

Data Integration

Data Visualization

Javascript Development

Web Development

Web Map Development

Tools We Used





