The Challenge
USGS has more than 12,000 digital borehole geophysical logs at over 2,500 locations. A wide range of borehole log types are available, including acoustic, caliper, electric, electromagnetic, fluid, lithologic, nuclear, optical, well construction, or a combination or composite of these types. File formats include ASCII, DOC, IMG, LAS, PDF and original. Where possible, geophysical logs are available in Log ASCII Standard (LAS) v2.0, a format developed by the Canadian Well Logging Society. A database and web tool are needed to make these logs available to the public.
Our Solution
Build a database/web tool that allows USGS users to upload, review and approve logs.
Design a map interface for the public where users can:
- zoom and click on individual borehole locations to view and download available logs.
- search by state, county, USGS National Water Information System, or NWIS, site number or station name, or by using a geographic bounding area.
- search by log criteria, such as log category (generally logging tool type), file format, minimum logging depth, or log collection date range.
- download logs in batches that result from search criteria or download logs individually.
What We Did
App Development
Digital Architecture
Javascript Development
Web Map Development
Tools We Used
SQL Server