Occurrence, Sources, and Potential for Adverse Effects of Anthropogenic Bioactive Chemicals in Surface Water in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Primary Investigators

USGS Investigators: Paul Bradley

NPS Investigators: Matt Kulp

Project Details

Start Year: 2019

Category: Technical Assistance

Project Location

NPS Park: Great Smoky Mountains NP

USGS Center: South Atlantic Water Science Center

States: TN NC

Designed bioactive organic contaminants (BOC), including pharmaceuticals, have been detected in surface waters at GRSM, raising concerns for sub-lethal effects and potential apical impacts, including reproductive success, in sensitive aquatic populations in the park. Because of high visitation, the impacts of pharmaceuticals and other BOC in individual waste releases are also substantial concerns for aquatic biota in numerous streams connected by the many high-use trails at GRSM.

This study will help BOC risk management activities at GRSM by assessing BOC occurrence and distribution and the predicted potential for BOC adverse aquatic effects.