Current Studies

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The Antelope Valley domestic-supply aquifer study unit focuses on domestic wells located in the Antelope Valley groundwater basin located in the western portion of the South Lahontan Hydrologic Region defined by the California Department of Water Resources (California Department of Water Resources, 2023). Sampling will occur from September to December 2024.

The GAMA-PBP sampled the public-supply aquifer zone of the Antelope Valley groundwater basin between January and April 2008. That part of the aquifer typically supplies water used for public drinking water. Results of the public-supply well assessment study is available here and here.

Contact Us

To learn more about GAMA-PBP sampling of groundwater resources used for domestic supply sampling, please contact:

Jennifer Shelton

Para informaciĆ³n en espaƱol, llame a:

Elias Tejeda

Well Owner's Information

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