Santa Cruz, San Gabriel, and Peninsular Ranges Hard Rock Aquifer Groundwater Resources Used for Public Supply

Study Unit
- Study Area: Santa Cruz Mountains, San Gabriel Mountains, San Diego Mountains
- Counties Covered: San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego and Orange
Click on the study area below to see a list of products.
Blank results for trace-element data collected for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Priority Basin Project, October 2009-October 2018
Bennett, G.L., 2020, U.S. Geological Survey data release
Groundwater-quality data in the Santa Cruz, San Gabriel, and Peninsular Ranges Hard Rock Aquifers study unit, 2011-2012: Results from the California GAMA Program
Davis, T.A., and Shelton, J.L., 2014, U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 874, 142 p.
Pesticide Constituent Data from the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), 2004 - 2018
Lor, V., Balkan, M., and Stork, S.V., 2019, U.S. Geological Survey data release
Water use information for sites sampled by the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), 2004-2021 (ver. 3.0, October 2023)
Stork, S.V., and Fram, M.S., 2021, U.S. Geological Survey data release
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Hills in Calero Park covered in green grass, bushes, and trees on a cloudy day
Credit: George L. Bennett, USGS, 2011
Calero Park showing green hills in foreground and in the distance on a cloudy day
Credit: George L. Bennett, USGS, 2011