
Water-Quality Data

Sucralose Concentrations in Groundwater in California's Sacramento Valley Shallow Aquifer System

Voss, S.A., Miller-Schulze, J., and De Parsia, E.R., 2019, U.S. Geological Survey data release

Related Study Unit(s): Sacramento Metro Groundwater Resources Used for Domestic Supply

This data release comprises a set of environmental sucralose occurrence data in the Sacramento area. Groundwater samples were collected throughout the Sacramento Valley as part of the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program Priority Basin Project study in the Sacramento area. These water samples were analyzed for sucralose by chemical derivatization followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The calculated concentrations of sucralose detected in the water samples and the associated quality assurance data are tabulated in this data release. This data release supports the following publications: [Voss et al, in prep]