Upper Santa Ana Watershed Groundwater Resources Used for Public Supply Data and Reports


Groundwater Quality in the Upper Santa Ana Watershed Study Unit, California

Kent, R.H., and Belitz, K., 2012, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012-3037, 4 p.

Status of Groundwater Quality in the Upper Santa Ana Watershed, November 2006–March 2007: California GAMA Priority Basin Project

Kent, R.H., and Belitz, K., 2012, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5052, 88 p.

Trends in Concentrations of Nitrate and Total Dissolved Solids in Public Supply Wells of the Bunker Hill, Lytle, Rialto, and Colton Groundwater Subbasins, San Bernardino County, California: Influence of Legacy Land Use

Kent, R.H., and Landon, M.K., 2013, Science of The Total Environment, v. 452-453, p. 125-136