GAMA-PBP Academy

Trend Monitoring

Identifying and explaining trends in groundwater quality is one of the goals of the GAMA-PBP work. This page highlights products that describe monitoring program design elements for trend sampling, as well as discussions of specific trends in specific places.


A partial exponential lumped parameter model to evaluate groundwater age distributions and nitrate trends in long-screened wells

Jurgens, B.C., Bohlke, J.K., Kauffman, L.J., Belitz, K., and Esser, B.K., 2016, Journal of Hydrology, v. 543, no. A, p. 109-126

Triennial changes in groundwater quality in aquifers used for public supply in California: utility as indicators of temporal trends

Kent, R., and Landon, M.K., 2016, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 188, article 610

Identifying areas of degrading and improving groundwater-quality conditions in the State of California, USA, 1974–2014

Jurgens, B.C., Fram, M.S., Rutledge, J., and Bennett, G.L., 2020, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 192, article 250

Quantifying anthropogenic contributions to century-scale groundwater salinity changes, San Joaquin Valley, California, USA

Hansen, J.A., Jurgens, B., and Fram, M.S., 2018, Science of the Total Environment, v. 642, p. 125-136

Trends in concentrations of nitrate and total dissolved solids in public supply wells of the Bunker Hill, Lytle, Rialto, and Colton groundwater Subbasins, San Bernardino County, California: Influence of legacy land use

Kent, R.H., and Landon, M.K., 2013, Science of The Total Environment, v. 452-453, p. 125-136

Variations on a method for evaluating decadal-scale changes in the groundwater quality of two GAMA coastal study units 2004-14, California GAMA Priority Basin Project

Kent, R., 2018, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5088, 90 p.

Status and trends of orthophosphate concentrations in groundwater used for public supply in California

Kent, R., Johnson, T.D., and Rosen, M.R., 2020, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 192, article 550