FEMA Region 6 | Base Level Engineering (BLE) to Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
Welcome to the
Base Level Engineering to Flood Insurance
Rate Map Viewer
FEMA’s Region 6 BLE-to-FIRM Viewer (B2F) uses a geospatial database to help
communities and counties review effective flood hazard areas that may be updated with Base Level
(BLE) data, understand where BLE data may be adopted by the community for floodplain management
without an
update to the map, and identify areas they may want to further refine risk information for the
through the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) process.
The B2F Viewer provides users an interactive map view of effective flood hazard areas, BLE coverage
and limits of BLE data that will move forward onto FIRMs. Communities are encouraged to view this
data and
provide input to FEMA on any changes in community boundaries (annexations), any areas of expected
growth, or
any areas that have been affected by recent disasters.